The Power Of Being Open Minded

Nusaiba K
4 min readApr 17, 2022

Our mind is possibly the single handedly greatest creation in existence. The size, the depth, the complexities of a single human brain cannot be measured or even adequately studied. We can only vainly skim the surface.

It can’t be just me who thinks that to waste such potential we have access to, is one of the most tragic crimes you can commit? Living your entire life never having used it to even a quarter of its full capacity. It’s a crime you wouldn’t realise you were committing, unless somebody opened your eyes to it. Which hopefully, this article can do a little.

The dictionary defines open mindedness as ‘being receptive to new ideas,’ — the simplest and most concise definition of the concept, the core of it.

To be receptive to new ideas. This entails something that goes against a fundamental aspect of human nature — to actively not focus entirely on the self and one’s own way of seeing the world. To understand that your own point of view is not the only, nor is it the ‘right’ one.

Let’s break it down to the smaller scale examples. ‘My music taste is great.’ ‘Your taste is bad.’ Things I hear every day, that make me wonder at people’s mindsets. It may not be seriously meant, but it comes from somewhere. Even the most off handed, casual remarks have some degree of sincerity to them.

Subsequently, a question no one ever thinks to ask themselves arises. Are we forgetting that everyone has different taste and opinions on everything? Your cup of tea, someone else could hate, and you could hate what someone else loves.

There are eight billion of us on this planet and every one of us experiences life and everything in it wildly differently. Of course, you’ll think your choice in music, or people, or clothes, or anything is superior.

But the truth is, there is no ‘best’ or ‘right’ or ‘bad’ when it comes to perspective. Those are all terms we came up with to degrade people whose opinions we don’t share or understand.

This world is one of subjectivity. The only logical word to label we can use is ‘popular’ and such, which is the amount of people who share a view. That still doesn’t mean it is necessarily the better or correct view, though, does it?

Broadening the horizons of one’s mind is a concept marvellous in its relevance in almost every scenario.

Consider other people’s approach to life, their thoughts and ideas and perspectives, because there will be great value in there somewhere. There will always be something you might never have thought of if it weren’t for someone else.

That’s what’s so brilliant about it.

Open your mind when you’re stuck in a rut in life, in any kind of negative experience. I understand this is much easier said than done in the moment of an unwanted situation.

Chances are, you won’t be thinking of this article next time you go through something difficult. But I hope you remember this bit alone, if anything.

That there is genuinely good to be taken from every bad experience, even if you don’t yet realise it. A different way of looking at things. A sliver of hope remaining, an enlightening conclusion that couldn’t have been reached without.

The person who does not struggle in life is the one who has learnt the least lessons.

Treat everyone with careful consideration of where they might have come from.

You will never know the hell people have been through, all the struggles and experiences, that shape them to be the way they are now. Take that into account when dealing with them and any interpersonal conflict you face. It changes the way you handle things significantly.

People do this thing where they come to you and ask for advice for a situation they’ve landed themselves in. You give them your advice. They thank you. And they never listen. Because, in truth, most people just do what they like, regardless of a friend’s ‘advice’.

That’s why I don’t ask people for advice. I just share my situations for perspective. Maybe someone can open my eyes. Make me think of something new. Just an observer’s opinion to help me see things in a different light, so I don’t overly fixate on my own perspective.

Once you master open mindedness, you also find the key to maintaining social cohesion for yourself. It’s in the little details. You start to see that no matter how much you may find subpar in somebody, there will always be great, admirable things co-existing with it.

You learn not to focus so much on one that you lose sight of the other. In the inevitable occasion of social conflict, be strict in looking thoroughly at both or multiple sides to learn the full story, all the facts — and only then are you in any position to pass judgment.

The essential message I’m trying to portray here is: There are infinite ways of looking at every single thing in existence, and infinite things in existence.

To ignore the infinite and limit your mind would be a great tragedy.

So open your mind. To all the possibilities and pathways out there. It only ever brings good in your life.

